trustea has envisaged to put in place a Digital Traceability System, subsequent to the Verification and Certification of the Tea gardens and BLFs for ensuring that the Certified factory procures green leaf only from the Certified Supply Chain and track the chain of custody till the made tea exit from the factory gate. This proposed Trustea Traceability System is also expected to ease the demands of record keeping towards compliance for all stakeholders. Further to that, it will help provide the necessary assurances to the consumers of Trustea Certified Tea. The objective is to put in place an easy to use, secure, integrated information technology system, covering the following stakeholders of the supply chain:

  • Certified Factories
  • Large Gardens
  • Small Growers owning Small Tea Gardens
  • Self Help Groups (SHG) of Small Tea Gardens
  • Aggregators who procure Green tea leaf from small growers
  • Sub-Aggregators who procure Green tea leaf from small growers
Farm Diary Usage